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Can Interior Design Improve your Health & Wellness?
As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, health & wellness have become topics of great interest around the world. How can interior design & interior designers use their skills to help create a revolution in personal health & wellness?
We spoke with interior stylist Ali Cohen of The Curated Block about how interior design can improve your health & wellness. Here’s our conversation…
Wallpaper in the Bathroom - Pros, Cons & How to do it the Right Way
Wallpaper in the bathroom - If you search Instagram or Pinterest, you are going to find some pretty wild & amazing bathroom designs. Bold patterns, bold prints, bold colors. When it comes time to renovate your bathroom, how willing are you to walk on the wild side with wallpaper? Angela Amlani from Decor Answer is here to lay out the pros, cons & tell us how to do bathroom wallpaper the Right Way
Quonset Homes - Who, What, Where, When, Why & How Much
For years now, tiny homes, modular homes and shipping container homes have been loved by architects & people dreaming of a house that protected the environment, didn’t cost a lot of money & was architecturally progressive.
Quonset Homes are finally ready for their turn in the architectural & interior design limelight. Quonset homes deliver “exceptional thermal and structural performance, wind and fire resistance, durability and exceptional economy.” And if you’re a fan of minimalist architecture, you’re going to love the possibilities of Quonset Home design.
How to Choose the Best Pillow
There are a LOT of factors that go into choosing the best pillow. Do you sleep on your side, your back or your stomach? Are you big or small? Etc...
To unravel all of the combinations & permutations of choosing the best pillow, I spoke with Alex Savy, CEO of Sleeping Ocean and a certified sleep science coach. Alex knows his stuff and is here to help us all choose the best pillow....